vineri, iulie 31, 2009


my feet can't walk this road no more
my heart can't pump more blood like this
my hands won't swim me back ashore
now... will You save me from hell's mist!?

my strife can't free a shackled soul
my cries won't bring peace back on earth
my words aren't able to imbound
the reason for my journey forth.

my eyes won't shut, and won't be tame
my lips won't speak words you can't trust
thus, beg You, Lord, please take this shame
and wrap it dead into the dust.

for losing means not
being lost.


Light [nopți vesele]

Iubito, lumina din ochii tai blanzi
Ascunde'o, te rog!

Doar o mana intind
Incerc sa te vad
Si luna o strig.
De soare si frig
Mi'e dor
Si suspin
Iar inima'mi cere
S-o judeci
Sentinta sa-i strigi


Distanta'i un chin
Si visul e jar.


Lumina din sunet
Culoarea din cant...
In noapte, in negru

Doar zambetu'ti mut
Din lumea de lut
Ca dupa potop
Curcubeu desenand
Renască speranta;
Iar gandu'mi tacut
Picteze cuvinte
schimband vechi iubiri
din tonuri de gri
In culoare.

Ci ochii'ti deschide
Sa vezi lacrimand
Si soare, si luna
Si stele...

Prin vine sa'ti curga
Fior, vis... sarut
Intreg universul
Sa vada cazand
un demon carunt
din intreg rupt marunt
si scos pe vecie
din vers si cuvant
afara din noptile mele.

din praf si cenusa
la viata adus
cu inima noua
sentinta ti'o striga
iubito, din nou
n'astept indurare
nici mila de sus
ci simpla tu chipu'ti arata.

iar ochii...
deschide'i, iubito,
te rog...
lumina s-o vad...
inc'o data.

duminică, iulie 19, 2009

Three minutes

My life seems to be
Split in present and past
There's no real future
I can dream of now
Cause seconds are ticking
And people are watching
How waves take me deeper
Away from my vow.

I wish sweeter memories
Would flood out the thoughts
That keep me awake
In loss and despair
I wish i could smile
And keep my eys shut
I wish i could breath in
Your fragrance, your air.

One minute is gone
Along with my hope
I couldn't care less
I can't breath
You'd think my repentance
Would make me grow whole
But parts make a mess

I only have seconds
To miss you once more
And only the water aside.
Now, please read the story
You wrote in my heart
And then let sweet death
Be my guide.

For someday I'll truly
Come back, live again
When tears won't be shed
On your face.
When hearts, minds
And souls
Will hope once again
To clutch at past heaven's

Believe not my words,
But heartbeat and love
And trust not the smiles
Of a fool.
You look underneath
To what's hidden between
Thinner lines of pure truth
And the shreds of my skin
Then you'll see how it's great
How it's pure, true, still cruel
Still afar, far above
With no reason or fuel
But the hope of your kiss...

That's three minutes of duel.

Being dead ain't so cool
While love is.

miercuri, iulie 08, 2009

Two minutes

Incearca sa simti
Cu mana s-atingi
Priveste in tine
Incerci sa respiri
Si crezi ca visezi
Spre negru te duci
Inspre vid.

Strangi pumnul in gol
Si speri sa te prinzi
De-o vaga speranta
De-un vis
Secunde se scurg
Lichid, nepatruns
In pieptu-ti
Deodata deschis.

Mai ai un minut.
Cumva inghetat
Aluneci spre noapte
Spre El.
Nedrept poate fi
Dar cald, zambitor
Si vezi o bucata
De cer.

Dodata si frica
Si dorul dispar
Dar inima bate
Minutul se scurge
Zambind iubitor
Cu buze subtiri
Spre lumina.

Te duci dupa el
De mana il prinzi
Secunda, minut
Aproape de-adanc
De trup te desprinzi
Si aripi iti cresc

Iubito, ti-am spus
Ca timpul s-a dus
Si-n doua minute
Iubita ai fost
Cum vesnic vei fi
Mai mult ca-n poemele-mi