duminică, martie 29, 2009

Mi-e dor de tine...

sunt plin de praf
amestec dur
de lacrimi si speranta
legat cu snur
pierdut in ignoranta

au tot trecut
deloc usor
multi ani plini de'ntuneric
cu ochi inchisi
dar plini de dor
nici hot n-am fost nici cleric

folos nu am
nimic nu sunt
in lume nu exista
dovada ca as fi
imens, marunt
absent sau scris pe lista

in mine strang
traire, gand
si tot ce pot sa sper
zeu, muritor
devin pe rand
nu vreau nimic, dar cer...

iubire în eter!

luni, martie 16, 2009

If They existed

damn you, oh wicked hypnos
tonight you stole my dreams
you think you'll get away with it
and force me play your schemes?!

damn you, oh childish eros
for pointing those at me
you think that bending reason
would make a blind heart see?

damn you, oh aphrodite
for beauty and for charm
for watching from the distance
the break of my sword arm

you think that being angry
oh, ares son of rage
could bring the dead alive or
embower tears in wage?

i wish you dead, oh chronos
for ticking endless hope
for once i wish you frozen
to hold her or elope

damn you oh, gods! for playing
with one's own heart and mind
for writing these sad stories
and laughing unconfined.

Source of pep...

i'd nail my feelings down
if only i were right
about me being wrong 
about me being strong 
but this i cannot fight 
this light 
i must let in 
redeem the souls within 
give pulse to this old town.

even my words seem fake 
now let alone my life
around your will i crawl 
becoming cold and dull
would death come from a knife?
this strife 
must be withheld 
and peace at last be felt
and then be kept awake.

come, walk with me few steps
few breaths endure my stay
ignore this clutch of love 
forget the way i shove 
your feelings miles away.
i come, be found 
forgiven i come bound 
to show you love that peps.

ps: wrong rhyme... i know.

marți, martie 10, 2009

Not knowing...

existance is required for living
but not at all enough
my heart lives somehow due to loving
now i would wonder why would caring
not kiss the lips I cuff?

not knowing is a curse i'm used to
but i do not intend
my love for you to freely give to
this kite, most evil, nevermore true...
desire to comprehend.

they say truth will prevail in glory
and this we'll always trust
i carry pride from birth to hoary
i wish our lives would fit the story
since we all hit the dust